Thursday, October 6, 2016

How can you Get Marijuana in a Legal Way

Marijuana is an herb that has been used for thousands of years for various purposes such as pain relief, abdominal symptoms as well as recreation. But there are also various side effects of this drug such as constipation, hallucination and most of all; this drug has the tendency to form a habit, and the body may become dependent on this drug if it is taken for some time. Most of the nations of the world treat it as a potential threat for their countrymen, and that is the reason that it has been banned from most of the countries of the world. Only a few nations have allowed the free use of this drug.

This banning, however, is very tragic because this drug has immense potential and if it is given in regulated doses, it can treat many problems of many people. In the US itself, many states have removed the ban from at least the medical marijuana. This is a welcome step and would help to eradicate many misconceptions related to the use of this drug whether in the medical field or otherwise.
Medical Marijuana
Medical Marijuana

What is the legal way of using marijuana?

The US states that have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes have made it mandatory for the patients to be examined by special marijuana doctor in the clinics that have been given license to provide the patients with a certificate that they need marijuana treatment.
How is marijuana used?
Medical weed can be used in some ways
·         Liquid: Some medicinal marijuana physicians prepare marijuana as a liquid suitable for drinking.
·         Paste: Other health professionals believe that pot is more effective when it is consumed in more solid form.
·         Smoking: Smoking is yet another means of obtaining the healing properties of medical marijuana by the person who is in need of healing.
·         Topical: Some marijuana doctors believe in crushing the weed and using it as an ointment or in a poultice.

There are in total fourteen states that have made marijuana a legitimate drug for the medicinal purposes. California is the first state that made medicinal marijuana a reality in the year 1996. This is the reason that you will find at least one marijuana clinic in each city of California. In these clinics, there are marijuana doctors that evaluate the patients and see if they need the marijuana treatment or not. But, you must remain aware of the clinics that give away fake certificates. These clinics can be figured out by the different options they give to you for marijuana evaluation such as on the phone or via email.

It is important for you to undergo proper evaluation and obtain medical marijuana card because the laws governing the possession and consumption of marijuana are very strict. If you are ever caught involved in illegal possession of marijuana, your records will become dented, and you may have to spend sometime behind the bars or have to pay a hefty fine for your deeds.